Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bits and bobs

 - I have a backlog of microhylids to identify. Most of them were found under rocks and logs so it's hard without hearing the calls.

 - Went for a lovely walk yesterday in Barron Gorge National Park. 17 km all up, taking in lots of rainforest which transitioned with wet and even dry schlerophyll forest in a very cool way. A few interesting creek crossings and a great lookout from 'Glacier Rock' which quickly clouded over before I could get a photo. The giant Kauri pines growing beside the track were impressive!

Kauri Pine

 - Leaf-tailed Gecko, Saltuarius cornutus. Nice!

 - My Greek mate Nic Dymistes

 - This is why they call it the Green Eyed Frog (Litoria myola). I'm just a total sucker for these frogs.

1 comment:

David Nelson said...

I generally use eyeshine quite a lot - that's how I spot most frogs and things like geckos.